Handy Method Editor tips

Did you know that you can write, in the declaration pane for the method editor, the entire declaration and the editor will rip it apart for you ?

So instead of having type the name, tab, parameters, tab, return type, tab, select a scope you can type

Private Foo(i as integer) as string

and press tab or return and it will all get split into the right spots.… Read the rest


When you design classes you often make the properties they hold private or protected so outside code cant mess with the innards.

But what if you want to allow that – sometimes ?

This is the notion of a “friend”. Another class that you can literally say “yeah its ok I know them and it’s OK if they mess with my innards as they are my friend”.… Read the rest

Stupid IDE tricks

A question was asked the other day about “how can I list just all the Windows in my application” And that reminded me of something I added to the IDE some time back.

Advanced filters in the find field above the navigator. It has only a very short mention in the IDE user guide.

So if you want to find all the Windows in your application you can type something like this into the filter field

% type:Window

and press enter and you will see all windows and container controls listed (containers are window like objects hence why they are listed).… Read the rest

Making a constructor sometimes illegal to call

Suppose you write a control subclass that you want people to be able to add to a window layout OR be able to create on the fly. But you want to make sure that when an instance is constructed in code it MUST have a parameterized constructor. However, in order to put an instance on a layout by drag and drop it has to have a no parameter constructor.… Read the rest

Sampling with a delay

MacOS terminal is a useful tool to know for a few really handy things.

One is getting a sample of a process after some delay so you can start doing whatever it is you want to sample.

Trying to do this in Activity monitor is not possible

But at the command line you can delay the start of the sample so you have a chance to set up the sampling and then switch back to Xojo to do the task you want sampled.… Read the rest