A post on the forums got me thinking that there might be a way to simply add a whole class, module etc to a project just from code copied from the forums.
So I sat and whipped up a little IDE script that takes a clipboard and will convert it to a class or module. Now there are some tricks. One is that because certain aspects of the Xojo text format can be a bit ambiguous there’s a little more markup involved. Nothing really onerous though.
The following is a simple module
Module Module1
Sub Untitled()
End Sub
Property mUntitled1 As Integer
ComputedProperty untitled1 as integer
Return mUntitled1
End Get
mUntitled1 = value
End Set
End ComputedProperty
End Module
When copied to your clipboard and the script is run you get a module on your desktop on macOS. Sorry about this but I haven’t tried this on Windows or Linux yet. And I can’t insert it into the project directly with IDE scripting as it work today 🙁
The following gives a class on your desktop
class TOperInfo
enum TOperType
end enum
property Priority as Uint8
property NbOper as TOperType
Sub Constructor( priority as Uint8, nbOper as TOperType)
self.priority = priority
self.NbOper = nbOper
end sub
end class
Enjoy !