What we as users get told is “report your issues, upvote them as this influences priorities”
So many do ; or did. I’ve got far too many people telling me I just gave up reporting them as they never get fixed. From names that if I listed them would surprise people.
Since I still use Xojo for client projects I report bugs and tell my clients to advocate for them getting fixed.
Great !
So report them upvote them and … they dont get put on a milestone to get fixed ?
There are several open bugs with more upvotes than open reports that are assigned to milestones

The top 3 open bugs have higher popularity than the items assigned to 2022r4
The top 6 open bugs are at least the same popularity as the top two items assigned to 2022r4
Trust me I know the “dodge” that gets rolled out Its not the only criteria we use. Sure but what criteria DO get used ? How else do you judge how many people might be affected if not by upvotes ? The IDE doesn’t report back how many people use XYZ in their code so how else can you judge the impact ? The number of duplicate reports ? Even Issues isn’t any better at detecting those than any prior system was.
Personally I’d like a less “hand wavy ignore the man behind the curtain” way of knowing how to influence priorities. Make upvotes ACTUALLY count for what gets put into a milestone. Clear prioritization criteria would be VERY welcome.
As I’ve often been told “Watch what they do. Not what they say.”
We’re told to report upvote etc
Yet that isn’t what we see getting addressed
I can see why people just give up
I gave up, far too many bugs never get fixed and the pile of unfixed bugs keeps growing without me contributing.
The process of prioritisation is completely opaque.