in this youtube video posted from the recent Developer Retreat
geoff talks about the roadmap in the screen shot below I took a screen shot since I knew it was going to change.
Items highlighted in red have disappeared from the new roadmap

Yet, on the testers channel, they already had a complete replacement for it
(also screen shot when I learned of this)

I was more surprised that they talked about it in the keynote knowing that the roadmap was going to change and drop many items. Why not just say that in the keynote ?
Sure some people will be disappointed some things get removed. That happens.
But why talk about the one that was posted as if “this is what’s coming” knowing its going to change ?
Since I’m writing this BEFORE 2022r3 ships I guess we’ll see what the fall out is once this becomes apparent.
This is more rename & refine.
For modern controls on macOS, it looks like they had popovers and sidebar in mind.
Easy database access got renamed to Database Connection class. But no idea what it means.
Interops got renamed to declare automation.
And plugins in Xojo got renamed to Xojo Libraries.
The IDE navigation got dropped there, but maybe it changed from a big point there to be done in smaller changes over the year.
Doesn’t look that bad to me.
So things got renamed…