2020r1 Desktop changes

2020r1 introduces lots of changes. Some seem to be in the category of change for the sake of change.

The clipboard has changes to the names of parameters.

- Public Function RawData(macType As String) As String
+ Public Function RawData(dataType As String) As String
- Public Function RawDataAvailable(macType As String) As Boolean
+ Public Function RawDataAvailable(dataType As String) As Boolean
- Public Function RawData(macType As String, Assigns value As String) As String
+  Public Sub RawData(dataType As String, Assigns value As String)

Probably not a big hit for anyone and likely done for clarity in the tooltip in the IDE.

If you happened to switch your code to using API 2 then you’ll find a few small changes where you will have to update your code. This will break backwards compatibility since older frameworks / iDE’s will have a different definition for the values in the enumeration

Enum HashAlgorithms 
- 		SHA = 1
+ 		SHA1 = 1

MenuItem LastRowIndex has switched form being a method, to being a property. This shouldn’t cause issues UNLESS you happened to subclass MenuItem and implemented that method (in which case now you have to shadow it carefully)

POP3 Secure sockets have had several events removed – again this will break any chance of being backwards compatible.

- 	Event LoginSucceeded()
- 	Event RollbackSucceeded()
- 	Event ServerReplied(command As string, data As string)

PopupMenu had several of its method signatures altered. Again this wont affect you unless you had subclassed any of these and implemented these methods in your subclass.

- 	Public Sub AddAllRows(rows() As String)
+ 	Public Sub AddAllRows(items() As String)
+ 	Public Sub AddAllRows(ParamArray items() As String)

PrinterSetup has had a few properties deprecated in favor of new API 2 versions

- 	Public Property IsLandscape As Boolean
+ 	Attributes( "Deprecated" = "Landscape" ) Public Property IsLandscape As Boolean
- 	Attributes( "Deprecated" = "IsLandscape" ) Public Property Landscape As Boolean
+ 	Public Property Landscape As Boolean