Theres a new attribute on some items – RuntimeOnly
Not sure what it means or is used for since its undocumented by Xojo
Dim typeInfo As Introspection.TypeInfo = GetTypeInfo(Checkbox)
Dim propInfos() As Introspection.PropertyInfo = typeInfo.GetProperties
For Each propInfo As Introspection.PropertyInfo In propInfos
Dim attrInfos() As Introspection.AttributeInfo = propInfo.GetAttributes
For Each attrInfo As Introspection.AttributeInfo In attrInfos
System.debuglog attrInfo.Name + If(attrInfo.Value <>"", " = " +attrInfo.Value, "")
shows this new one
10:47:07 AM : My Application Launched
Deprecated = AllowAutoDeactivate
Deprecated = Tooltip
Deprecated = VisualState
Deprecated = FontName
Deprecated = FontSize
Deprecated = FontUnit
RuntimeOnly <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
10:47:16 AM : My Application Ended
In the plugin API you can specify a property to be RuntimeOnly to declare that it should not show in the IDE in the inspector.