If, like me, you sometime munge text into code and then want to paste it into the IDE that can sometimes be a real chore
Unless you happen to know this little trick
If you have plain text lke
Public Function ToString(extends enumValue as Untitled) as String
select case enumValue
case Untitled.valueName
return "valueName"
case Untitled.valueName
return "valueName"
case Untitled.valueName
return "valueName"
raise new UnsupportedOperationException
end select
End Function
Public Function ToUntitled(extends stringValue as String) as Untitled
select case stringValue
case "valueName"
return Untitled.valueName
case "valueName"
return Untitled.valueName
case "valueName"
return Untitled.valueName
end select
raise new UnsupportedOperationException
End Function
Public Function Untitled_ToString( enumValue as Untitled) as String
select case enumValue
case Untitled.valueName
return "valueName"
case Untitled.valueName
return "valueName"
case Untitled.valueName
return "valueName"
raise new UnsupportedOperationException
end select
End Function
Public Function Untitled_FromString(stringValue as String) as Untitled
select case stringValue
case "valueName"
return Untitled.valueName
case "valueName"
return Untitled.valueName
case "valueName"
return Untitled.valueName
raise new UnsupportedOperationException
end select
End Function
and select it all and copy then, in the IDE select the MODULE, WINDOW, CLASS (not the methods group in any of those) and Paste
The downside here is that only the FIRST method gets pasted – but it does get pasted
So you have to do them one by one
But its better than nothing
Works well with a little helper app I’ll post later than writes methods to extend enums so its easy to convert them to/from strings