Lies. Damned Lies. And Pragma Unused.

Lots of times we might like to clean up our code by making sure we fix all the errors AND all the warnings as well.

And one of those you might find you get warned about is unused parameters. These might come about from implementing some interface for a nice consistent API but some implementors of the methods on the interface dont use all the parameters.… Read the rest

The nature of the change

I’ve seen lots of discussions that talk about how certain bugs have been copied over from API 1.0 to API 2.0.

This is unlikely and mostly not correct. From what I can tell nothing was “copied” from one API to another.

Let me detail why I think this is the case with an analogy.

Suppose you had source code that you could compile into a dynamic library for macOS (a dylib), Windows (a DLL), or Linux (a .so).… Read the rest


In 2019r3 Xojo added something that a lot of people have been asking for for a very long time. A way for a class that exposes events to know IF an instance implements the event.

Its literally called IsEventImplemented (see

But it remains undocumented

Previously if you wrote a class that could have some default behaviour IF an instance did not implemnent the event to alter the behaviour you had no way to know if you should operate in whatever way was the default or not.… Read the rest

Fail early. Fail often. Fail loudly.

And by that no I don’t mean that YOU personally should fail. I’m of the same mind as my dad on that front. You should work your ass off to do the best job you know how to do. That doesn’t mean you’re perfect or that you expect perfection. There are lots of things in this world that I do not know how to do very well – but when given the opportunity I try to do the very best job I know how to and I try to learn how to do it better next time.… Read the rest


and other cruft starts to accumulate if you’re not careful. But thats not what this post is about.

Its literally about the programming language Rust.

It’s been quite some time since I’ve had to do a lot in C which is what Rust feels like. Full of curly braces and semicolons its VERY C like – and I’ll post about my adventures getting familiar with it and how I think it can be leveraged in a cross platform world.… Read the rest

Bit twiddling in a CSS age

Got a curious question the other day. One I had never really thought much about but after a discussion it became clear to me why the questions were the way they were.

Bit flipping and bit masking is not intuitive.

And unless you’ve had to do it then approaching it for the first time may no make a pile of sense.… Read the rest

Where I’m starting to hang out most often

Lately I’d been hanging out on some alternative Xojo discussion venues.

The one I’m finding useful is IfNotNil as they permit discussions of ANY topics which lead to cross platform development. So you can talk about Rust, Go, B4X products, LiveCode, Web and other toolsets you might use for cross platform software development.

Using events as a way to pass information to instances

Most of the time when we talk about events the first thing that pops into someones head isa UI control and the events is has for interaction with the user. A pushbuttons Action (or Pressed) event for instance. Or the various events on listboxes for selecting rows, handling mouse clicks, keyboard events and the myriad of other user interface and interaction related things listboxes handle.… Read the rest

Exercise caution with catch clauses

Xojo now generally uses exceptions to handle errors.

And with that comes some things you should know about how exceptions work that you need to be aware of before you cause yourself problems.

First off, in my opinion, you should put your try catch blocks as close to the code that causes the error. While Xojo lets you use one EXCEPTION or CATCH block at the end of any method like the following

// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 
// do a bunch of code 

Catch foo As RuntimeException // or Exception foo as RuntimeException

I would suggest you avoid this form.… Read the rest