
Converting numbers, especially ones of a specific size, to hex has long been problematic. The built in functions don’t do a very good job with it and often drop leading zeros even when the integers size is known.

Dim s1 As String 
s1 = Hex(13) // here 13 is an "Integer" literal 
             // and should be treated as a 32 bit integer in a 32 bit build
             // or a 64 bit integer in a 64 bit build

Dim i8 As Int8 = 13
Dim s2 As String
s2 = i8.ToHex


If you look at the values in S1 and S2 produced by the framework functions you’ll see that all leading 0’s are dropped event though the integers are of known size and a proper Hex representation of these should include the leading 0’s. But they don’t.

Most time dropping the leading 0’s is not a big deal. If you are just saving the value into a db, file etc and then eventually converting it back into a value using VAL it wont matter. But when you need it for some other purose then it really does matter. Like when you’re generating a hex key value or something where those leading 0 digits ARE relevant.

So I created a module that does a “proper” hexing of numeric values that does retain the leading 0’s.

Enjoy it