
One of the things that Xojo lacks is the notion of generics.

So what are these things and why would they be useful ?

In many programming languages you might want to define a class that behaves like a List. But you want to be able to make this generic enough that when you go to use one you can make a List of Strings, a List of Classes, a List of controls etc.

Right now the only way to do this in Xojo is to make all the the parameters and return values be variants in the interface definition. The downside to this is that you lose all compile time type checking and have to rely solely on runtime checks YOU put in the code.

If you could declare a List variable like

Dim myStringList as List<String>

This would indicate that the list should use String as the “generic type” for all the method parameters and return types. The interface declaration might have to change to something like

Interface List<Type>

  Sub AddRow(ParamArray values() as <Type>)
  End Sub
  Sub AddRowAt(ParamArray values() as <Type>, zeroBasedInxed as integer)
  End Sub
  Sub FirstRowIndex() as integer
  End Sub
  Sub LastAddedRowIndex() as integer
  End Sub
  Sub LastRowIndex() as integer
  End Sub
  Sub RemoveAllRows()
  End Sub
  Sub RemoveRowAt(zeroBasedIndex as integer)
  End Sub
  Sub RowCount() as integer
  End Sub
  Sub RowTag() as Variant
  End Sub
  Sub RowTagAt(zeroBasedIndex as integer) as <Type>
  End Sub
  Sub RowValue() as <Type>
  End Sub
  Sub RowValueAt(zeroBasedIndex as integer) as <Type>
  End Sub
  Sub SelectedRowCount() as Integer
  End Sub
  Sub SelectedRowIndex() as integer
  End Sub
End Interface

And now we have a generic interface AND a way to define a list that will, at compile time, have a specific and known type so the compiler can detect any incompatible type errors.

This would make interfaces even more useful than they are now.