Switch the window type at runtime

I’ve seen this question come up a couple times recently. And while it would be nice to do you cant.

The frame type is required to be set when the window is constructed. And there’s no constructor on a window that allows you to do something like

dim w as new Window(frametype)

So how can you have something like a document window on macOS and a movable modal on Windows ?… Read the rest

Showing a file in Windows Explorer

No. Not IE.

// there are issues with this style
//  1. you can only select one file
//  2. If folder is already opened, it doesn't select the file
Declare Function ShellExecuteW lib "shell32" (hwnd as Integer, lpOperation as WString, lpFile as WString, lpParameters as WString, lpDirectory as Integer, nShowCmnd as Integer) as Integer

Dim err as Integer
Dim param As String

param = "/select, """ + f.AbsolutePath
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Showing a file in the Finder

This has probably been posted in the forums. Its just not always easy to find.

Declare Function NSClassFromString Lib "Cocoa" (name As CFStringRef) As Ptr
Declare Function sharedWorkspace Lib "AppKit" selector "sharedWorkspace" ( obj As ptr ) As ptr
Declare Function selectFile Lib "AppKit" selector "selectFile:inFileViewerRootedAtPath:" ( obj As ptr, fPath As CFStringRef, rootFullPath As CFStringRef ) As Boolean
Dim workspace As ptr = sharedWorkspace( NSClassFromString( "NSWorkspace" ) )

Call selectFile( workspace, f.NativePath,
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Debugging tip

Sometime when you’re debugging your application you run into a situation where you get funky behaviour.

You might do something like Javier mentioned in his recent blog post on Xojo’s blog :

Dim ASource() As Integer = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
Dim ATarget() As Integer
ATarget = ASource

And, as he noted, you cant figure out why when you change one array you also appear to alter the other.… Read the rest

What scope should this be ?

This question isnt asked that often. But I think it should be.

When you create classes, modules, layouts or anything else in Xojo you should make everything as private as it needs to be. And no more. And as public as it needs to be. And no more.

But exactly what does that mean ?

I would say that you should normally start with most things in classes being protected.… Read the rest

Sorting and stability

Often you want to sort into alphabetical order or numerical order. And there are various ways to accomplish this.

But what if you need to sort first numerically and then alphabetically and maybe several other additional criteria ? How does this affect the overall result ?

It might be nice to make it so that the second sort doesn’t break the ordering the first sort did.… Read the rest

Error handling speed

A question I was asked recently posed an interesting question about exceptions and the cost of using them as a general error handling mechanism.

Xojo uses whats know as “zero cost exception handling”. Essentially at runtime there is no penalty for having exception handling in place. It imposes no runtime overhead when NO exceptions are encountered.… Read the rest

Huh !?

Something I never really gave much thought about made me do a bit of a double take today.

If you assign a color literal to a color variable you get what might look like “funny” behaviour when compared to other types of variables.

For instance, if you do

Dim c As Color = &c12345

what you get in the color is the color value &c12345000, a right zero fill, instead of &c00012345, a left zero fill.… Read the rest